Volume Bar Improvement

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Volume Bar Improvement

Post by Effanzo_mane » Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:33 pm

In spite of all the amazing innovations and features that Bookmap has, I find the volume bars to be a bit of an afterthought. One very simple improvement I would suggest is the option to have buy volume and sell volume bars displayed individually, but overlayed (ex. sell fat red with thinner green buy in front) with an actual scale on the right or left side. Essentially I want to see both buy and sell bars in real time, not an aggregate or "smart clustering" effect.

For instance as price is moving down into liquidity, you can see a red sell volume bar ratcheting up into a certain level that piques the  users interest. As this is happening you can see bids start to come in as the buy volume bar starts ramping up, suggesting it's a liquidity trap and a potential reversal. I realize volume dots essentially display this information but it's impossible to tell how much volume is actually going off in real time, which is important to determine if the size is big enough to be relevant in a particular market.

Hope you guys will consider implementing something like this!

Update: I think I've figured out a reasonable solution for my needs which is to aggregate the bars using time at 5 second intervals.
