Upgrading Not a Good thing when you take away Features!

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Upgrading Not a Good thing when you take away Features!

Post by demjernikki » Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:44 pm

07/12/2021  "Can you ask developers to turn back on my PnL! Please. I have a tix out there and they turned it off due to incorrect match to Tradestation since TStation is slow data, but I have had no issue with it.. I need it so that I can see where I am at with my gains or losses instead of looking at the my Trade station charts and search ridiculous.. I never had an issue and even going into my BMap acct Summary/Positions, its gone, this has helped me define my status on each positions no I have to take extra steps, when things worked at least from my end and Tradestation. Can you guys connect with the developers of Trade Station, in which you have an agreement with and have there end help correct the issue and this isnt the first time a customer loses BMap features, going backwards... I know no one will read this or care, but if we can get enough traders, maybe it PnL can be turned back on for the actual traders who use the platform not use developing and not trading Live... Peace

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Re: Upgrading Not a Good thing when you take away Features!

Post by nyckytal » Tue Jul 20, 2021 9:35 am


I see your issue. We disabled PNL because an  Unrelized PNL confused users. It was calculated incorrectly due to low quality of TS market data.

However I see that it was probably too radical solution. We will return it with checkbox on connection panel soon. Thanks for the feedback.

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