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Algos Activity Grahp or HFT graph

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:05 pm
by luis_peralta
Because the activity of the algos is a major influence  on the  price movement and is not human possible  to change bookamp  scale to study the different time frames  and price ranges on real time to se wtf the algos are doing or operation activity  using accumulation algo activity to have a sense of direction   we need  HFT indicator or algo indicator that can signal when this mother fucker are using Quote Stuffing, or layering  or spoofing  because they do it on different price levels  and is almost impossible catch them on real time the only way to see it its during backtestig some times checking the outscale becasuse they are doing it out of my common range   . if you wanna se it  check just the attachment on normal bookmaps is almost imposbile to catch it those I have more algo activity  captures thst just one example I would like to talk to the developer si put this on a higer level