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BarBuilder API not returning correct OHLC values of BAR

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 8:10 pm
by trades4x
BarBuilder is ot returning correct OHLC values for ES futures, ES price is in the range of 2860 - 2890 on a given day but the  values of OHLC are returnning as:

20190828 19:15:00.019(UTC) INFO: onBar time: 20190828 19:15:00.000000000. OHLC: 11550, 11552, 11549, 11552. Volume Buy Sell: 303, 183
20190828 19:16:00.004(UTC) INFO: onBar time: 20190828 19:16:00.000000000. OHLC: 11552, 11555, 11550, 11554. Volume Buy Sell: 606, 418
20190828 19:17:00.030(UTC) INFO: onBar time: 20190828 19:17:00.000000000. OHLC: 11554, 11556, 11548, 11549. Volume Buy Sell: 826, 1508
20190828 19:18:00.004(UTC) INFO: onBar time: 20190828 19:18:00.000000000. OHLC: 11549, 11551, 11546, 11548. Volume Buy Sell: 864, 1522
20190828 19:18:16.158(UTC) INFO: Synthesize: ES bid bid iceberg 100
20190828 19:18:16.158(UTC) INFO: Preprocessed text:E S bid bid iceberg 100
20190828 19:18:25.719(UTC) INFO: Synthesize: ES bid bid iceberg 200


Here is the code of BarBuilder from demo recorder project:

package com.bookmap.api.simple.demo.recorders;

import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1ApiVersion;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1ApiVersionValue;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1SimpleAttachable;
import velox.api.layer1.annotations.Layer1StrategyName;
import velox.api.layer1.common.Log;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.Api;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.Bar;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.CustomModule;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.HistoricalDataListener;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.InitialState;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.Intervals;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.TimeListener;
import velox.api.layer1.simplified.TradeDataListener;

@Layer1StrategyName("Bar Builder")
public class BarBuilder extends DataRecorderBase implements CustomModule, TradeDataListener, TimeListener, HistoricalDataListener {

    protected Long barTime = null;
    protected final long barInterval = Intervals.INTERVAL_1_MINUTE;
    private Bar bar = new Bar();

    public void onTimestamp(long t) {
        if (barTime == null || barTime > t) {
            barTime = barInterval * (t / barInterval);
        while (barTime + barInterval < t) {
            barTime += barInterval;

    public void onTrade(double price, int size, TradeInfo tradeInfo) {
        bar.addTrade(tradeInfo.isBidAggressor, size, price);
        writeObjects(getDateTime(barTime), tradeInfo.isBidAggressor ? "Buy" : "Sell", price, size);

    public void initialize(String alias, InstrumentInfo info, Api api, InitialState initialState) {

    protected void onBar() {
        String datetime = getDateTime(barTime);
        String info = String.format("onBar time: %s. OHLC: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f, %.0f. Volume Buy Sell: %d, %d", datetime,
                bar.getOpen(), bar.getHigh(), bar.getLow(), bar.getClose(), bar.getVolumeBuy(), bar.getVolumeSell());;

    protected String getFilename() {
        return "Volume_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".txt";


Re: BarBuilder API not returning correct OHLC values of BAR

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 11:51 am
by Andry API support
Hi trades4x,
Bookmap consumes prices in pips (or ticks, interchangeable in this context). If the pips for this symbol is 0.25 the 2860-2890 range becomes 11440-11560
(2860/0.25 = 11440...).
To get regular prices you've got to multiply prices by pips.
You can get pips for this symbol from the InstrumentInfo object in the initialize method.
Multiply every value you get from Bar by pips and you'll have regular prices.

Re: BarBuilder API not returning correct OHLC values of BAR

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:35 am
by trades4x
thanks so much