Separate Heatmap Colors for BID and ASK

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Separate Heatmap Colors for BID and ASK

Post by llcxjhcws » Wed May 22, 2024 2:49 pm

I am a dedicated user of Bookmap and truly appreciate the powerful visualization tools your platform provides. To further enhance the user experience and data clarity, I would like to suggest the addition of separate colors for BID and ASK levels.
 Feature Request: Separate Heatmap Colors for BID and ASK
 Current Situation: Currently, BID and ASK levels are often represented with similar colors, which can sometimes lead to confusion, especially in fast-moving markets or when monitoring multiple instruments.
 Proposed Improvement: Introduce distinct and separate colors for BID and ASK levels to make it easier for users to distinguish between buying and selling interest at a glance. For instance:
  • BID Levels: Use a specific color, such as blue, to represent BID levels.
  • ASK Levels: Use a different color, such as red, to represent ASK levels.
  1. Improved Clarity: Users can quickly and easily differentiate between BID and ASK levels, reducing the chance of misinterpretation.
  2. Enhanced Visual Appeal: The use of distinct colors can make the interface more visually appealing and user-friendly.
  3. Faster Decision Making: Clearer visual distinctions can aid in faster and more accurate decision-making, particularly in high-frequency trading scenarios.