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Post by bucks » Sat May 09, 2020 5:19 pm

Good day all! How can one get the Bookmaprecorder.jar? Has anyone used? What kind of format do you need to be readable. Can you use this with the connect api?

 BookmapRecorder.jar. Bookmap Recorder is used to convert custom data into Bookmap readable format files, which can be opened by Bookmap in Replay mode. The throughput of Bookmap Recorder is roughly 150-200k of data events per second, producing files of size ~12 bytes per data event. User can integrate the recorder into their simulation software and then use Bookmap to replay only the relevant files. For the purpose of replaying data, BookmapRecorder does not have any disadvantages compared to the usage of L0 API directly.

Andry API support
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Re: BookmapRecorder.jar

Post by Andry API support » Tue May 12, 2020 11:04 am

Hi bucks,
the BookmapRecorder is an integral part of the Quant Solution which is based on the Connect API.
More info is here. The info you may find useful is 1.1.4 and 1.1.5. To be brief, Quant Solution is pricey and aimed at connecting your proprietary data so you can keep your data and your code private. Connect Solution is free and aimed at connecting open data so you have to expose your code (is likely to be canceled soon) and make the adapter accessible for any user.
Please confirm you still need Quant so we can procced with discussing the BookmapRecorder.

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Re: BookmapRecorder.jar

Post by glib » Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:59 am

So the reply above does not appear to be correct. According to the `BookmapRecorderDemo` repo on github, it is shipped with Bookmap and can be found in the `lib` folder of your installation.

Andry API support
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Re: BookmapRecorder.jar

Post by Andry API support » Thu Mar 16, 2023 1:29 pm

To run the BookmapRecorder a quant license key is required.

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