
Bookmap dxfeed

Uncover all market actions

dxFeed data service delivers the reliable market data to the Bookmap trading platform for visualization of order flow dynamics.

Supports Eurex and all US
equities & futures traded on:

EXCboe Global MarketsCME GroupeICE

Gain unique market insight

Due to our partnership with dxFeed, you can now receive real-time stocks & futures market data within Bookmap. Get insight into large player's activity, and access to intelligent analytical tools to help you make the right trading decisions.

Enriched trading experience


Full market transparency

With Bookmap Global, view the entire market with amazing clarity:

  • Unrivaled liquidity Heatmap
  • Traded Volume via 3D Bubbles
  • Record & replay your trading activity

Advanced analysis

With Bookmap Global+. get add-ons offering enhanced insights:

  • Absorption indicator of high liquidity
  • See larger players in the order book
  • Imbalance & strength indicators, plus more!

Flexible Connectivity

Bookmap has access to global data feeds & OMS:

  • Low Latency data from dxFeed
  • Wide list of executed brokers and FCMs
  • Multi-asset coverage
  • Access to exchanges around the world

How much do you lose by placing orders on the wrong price levels?
And how much of your potential profits were taken by algos and market makers?
It’s time to fix it.

Futures Trader 71Futures Trader 71
Walter L, Futures TraderWalter L, Futures Trader
Jason Ramus, Day traderJason Ramus, Day trader
Jason, Oil TraderJason, Oil Trader
Ferran, TraderFerran, Trader
Falk, TraderFalk, Trader
Jason, Oil Trader
I am a support / resistance trader and I use this tool to confirm the validity of our levels. We understand, is that as we get closer to my levels of interest (decision points) the pools of liquidity will accumulate around those levels. The heatmap will “light up” around these areas thus confirming entry, target and/or stop locations. The market will leave clues…if you know how to read them. This tool provides clarity to spotting the market “clues”. Simply put, this tool has been an integral part of what I do…and I would not like to think about trading without it.

You are 3 steps away from clarity

Choose a Bookmap package:

Real-time for stocks and futures

$49 per month
Inc. advanced indicators and one-click trading

$99 per month

Alread subscribed to Bookmap Global or Global Plus? Login here to get dxFeed data.

In the era of automated trading, order flow visualization is the only way a human can compete with a machine.
Now you have all needed tools to do it.

RISK DISCLOSURE: Futures trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Full Disclaimer | Privacy Policy
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