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Appendix II. Custom Notes

How to upload Cloud Notes so other users can use it

Here are the steps to upload cloud notes:

  1. Create notes in Bookmap.
  2. Save those notes using "Export notes" (you can change colours, sound alerts, etc.)
  3. Upload those to a server in a way that provides a direct link*
  4. Feed the link to Bookmap; make sure that Bookmap notes format is selected.
  5. Share with other Bookmap users.

Example file: Cloud notes file

*The direct link means that when a request to that link is made the file is returned, not a redirect, page, or any other stuff - just the file. When the direct link is pasted into a browser, a file download will start immediately without redirect (the URL will change in the address line if redirect happens). http→https redirect also counts as a redirect, so make sure to use the right link (the https one) if a server is configured to do http→https redirect.

Upload cloud notes to a server that provides direct links and does not ban Java clients (e.g., your own server) or just create a URL link from your own local PC in case you do not want to share the notes with other people.

It's important to set correct file permissions, otherwise it won't work.

You can alternatively generate the notes programmatically (in which case you can skip steps 1 and 2 above).
See Notes format description for more information.

Publish cloud notes on OneDrive

The idea behind this is the same as with all other methods - to get a direct link. Here is an article describing how to do it with OneDrive So, the steps are:

  • upload a CSV file to OneDrive
  • go to right-click, select Embed, generate code
  • you will get a code block like this:
<iframe src="[](" width="98" height="120" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Retrieved from ""

Notes format description

You can create a file similar to this one. It's important that the file is an actual CSV, which means it should be separated with commas (not semicolons, etc). It's also important that dot is used as decimal separator. Microsoft Office will follow your regional settings, so depending on where you are it might cause issues. You can open the file as text to verify.

Let's go over the key features. File contains the following columns:

  • Symbol - The symbol note will be shown on. It can be a full alias (ESM0@S5 - use this format if in doubt) or just a symbol (ESM) if automapping is used (more on that later).
  • Price Level - Price the note corresponds to
  • Note - Text of the note
  • Foreground Color - Color of the text, e.g. #FFFFFF (white)
  • Background Color - Color behind the text, e.g. #000000 (black)
  • Diameter - You can tell Bookmap to spread the note on multiple levels. So diameter of 3 will mean that instead of 1 level being filled by the note, 3 levels will (1 up and 1 down). This is just a more efficient way to place multiple similar notes in adjacent rows. If diameter is an even number there will be more levels on the bottom than on the top (e.g. diameter of 4 will result in 4 levels in total, 1 level up and 2 levels down)

First line can optionally be #automap <PLATFORM> (in the example it's #automap S5). Only the platforms that identify instruments by symbol only are currently supported (e.g. IB can't be used here since it identifies instruments by symbol+exchange+type). If automapping is enabled, you should use symbol name that corresponds to that platform in symbol column (e.g. ESM0). Automapping is based on a symbol list maintained by Bookmap. If something is missing in that list - feel free to contact support.

Please note that symbols that do not exist for the platform specified in the automap directive will not be remapped.

If the file is in GZIP format like this one bookmap will recognize that automatically. It's recommended to gzip your note files if those are distributed over the network and contain more than a few dozens of lines.


Here is an example of how such file might look:

#automap S5
Symbol,Price Level,Note,Foreground Color,Background Color,Diameter
ESM0,2380.75,"Hello, world!",#000000,#C0C0C0,4

And here is how result would look if imported in Bookmap (note that we declared the note using S5 symbol syntax but it got automatically remapped to a CQG instrument):


Here is a file example without automapping:

Symbol,Price Level,Note,Foreground Color,Background Color,Diameter
F.US.EPM20@CQG,2380.75,"Hello, world!",#000000,#C0C0C0,4
F.US.DDM20@CQG,8487,Another note,#FFFFFF,#000000,1