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Main Chart

Main chart elements:

  • Heatmap
  • Volume Dots and Bars
  • Best Bid and Ask
  • Volume Bars

The Heatmap visually represents both current and historical liquidity in the order book.

You can see the scale of the Heatmap in the toolbar.

  • The redder the colour, the higher the liquidity.
  • Colder (or bluer) colours – ending with dark blue – indicate lower liquidity.
  • You can also change the intensity of the heatmap colours or use greyscale.


  • Volume dots depict trade volume at specific prices, with larger dots indicating more volume.
  • Volume bars show the traded volume within the bar timeframe. In other words, from the left edge of the bar to the right edge.
  • Best bid and offer lines mark prices for highest buyers and lowest sellers.

For the limit order book:

  • Bids are represented in green.
  • Asks are shown in red.

For trades:

  • Bid aggressors are green.
  • Ask aggressors are red.


Right-click the main chart to access the settings menu and adjust visual representations of chart elements.


Learn more about the Heatmap settings here.

The main chart has indicators like VWAP, Iceberg Tracker, etc.


Watch the Heatmap tutorial.